上 iphone 10 x gold colour 351469-What colours does the iphone 10 come in
However carefully we handle and use our phones, we are all guilty of having dropped them a couple of times The best way to safeguard your iPhone X smartphone from minor physical damage and everyday wear is by getting iPhone X cases from an online shopping portal of your choice The information you are reading has been last updated on Aug21 A golden iPhone X, on paper Silver and space grey Those are the purchase options for the iPhone X No trace of the colour gold, a hue that iPhone XS 1436 x 709 x 77 mm (565 x 279 x 030 in) and 177g (624 oz) iPhone X 1436 x 709 x 77 mm (565 x 279 x 030 in) and 174g (614 oz) Yes, a 3g (01 oz) weight difference is it Gold Iphone X Elite 5 8 24k Gold Rose Gold Platinum Editions Goldgenie International What colours does the iphone 10 come in